
Content Marketing: 3 Things Before You Begin.

One: Forget About Your Brand, Nobody Cares.

Yes, you have shiny brand objectives. 

But this isn't about you.

Content marketing is one of the most customer-centric activities your organisation can undertake. It defines why you do what you do. So, instead of focusing on the brand objectives, focus on your customers' objectives. It will always lead to better content.

And if it's the right content for your audience, it will align to the brand objectives anyway.

Two: Empathize With and Listen To Your Audience

Remember that this is a two-way communication channel. More often than not, I see organisations putting good content out there, but not bothering to sustain the conversation. Instead they focus on the next piece of content.

Responding and conversing with your readers is just as, if not more, important than the content itself. Make the most of this chance and learn what your customers really want. 

Three: If They Don't Trust You, Results Will Take Time.

For organisations that have an issue with image, or are in an industry struggling with trust (like banks), there is a long road to recovery. Content marketing is a step in the right direction. However, expect backlashes and negativity when you first begin.

Worse still, you may even get a disengaged audience. This is where being patient and continually churning out good content and following up on any responses, will build credit.

Remember, this isn't a touchdown. This is the 5 yard pass that gets you to first down.

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