
Fads vs. Trends

Fads are furious and short lived. You need to quickly position your product offering to where a fad currently is. Throw all your short term resources at it. Coming up with extensions will keep the fad going, but it will inevitably die out soon. Then you must look for the next fad.

Trends are slow to build and long lasting. You need to position your offering to where you believe a trend will be. Build your expertise and long term strategy to meet a trend. Extensions are not as necessary and can take on a life of their own. Once you lock into a trend, focus on keeping a competitive advantage.

Love fads. Love trends more.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. With the increase in connectivity, the world is becoming a smaller place, that being said, the influence of one sector will be felt readily in other sectors as well. The question is when and where to create a trend.
